Friday 22 December 2017

Resupply Warehouse(inter wh)

Resupply Warehouse

This is the case with Multi Warehouse in Odoo. When you have more warehouses then there is need to set the supply path for stock movement from one warehouse to another one.

Movement between warehouses.

Let's take one example,

Suppose you have two warehouses 'Pune' and 'Bangalore'. Pune is your main warehouse and Bangalore is your subsidiary branch.
(here we taken example of two warehouses, but there may chances of more warehouses)

Rules :

- Bangalore Warehouse never purchase the goods, instead whenever they need goods they generate Purchase order for Pune warehouse.

And Pune warehouse purchase the goods and transfer the goods to the Bangalore warehouse.

Configuration(detailed described in video) :

- Create two different warehouses
- On warehouse(Bangalore) set always Default resupply warehouse : Pune warehouse
- On Pune warehouse set option Purchase to resupply this warehouse
- Create Product and define route (Buy , Respply from Pune)

That's it.

- If want first check stock and then set create PO : Buy , Bangalore: Supply Product from Pune


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1 comment:

  1. So a staging area is actually a database too, but only separated from OLTP databases and meant to perform transformations storage units syracuse utah
